Leapfrog Fridge Words Magnetic Word Builder
From LeapFrog
With LeapFrog's Word Whammer Fridge Phonics, you can create over 325 three-letter words with magnetic letters that sing and teach. These interactive, magnetic letters are based on the LeapFrog Talking Words Factory video. What's a Word Whammer' It's a machine that teaches kids letter names, letter sounds and how letter sounds blend together to make words. It features three modes of play. In Letter Hunt, children learn letter names and sounds through fun songs. With Word Builder, children explore letter combinations and create over 325 words. In Word Hunt, children can spell three-letter words, then replace letters to make rhyming words. Lights follow each letter during play to reinforce the learning. Includes letters A through Z, plus six additional letters (E, O, D, G, M and P), so kids can spell words like MOM and DAD. Letters and magnetic letter reader attach securely to the refrigerator. Volume control and 2 "AA" batteries (included).
Product Details
- Brand: LeapFrog
- Model: 20320
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 12.10" h x 11.20" w x 2.40" l, 2.25 pounds
- Build over 325 words with magnetic letters that teach and sing!
- Includes letters A through Z, plus three additional letters so kids can spell words like MOM.
- Features three ways to play: Load a Letter, Word Builder and Word Hunt learning modes.
- Lights follow letters to reinforce the learning.
- Helps develop rhyming skills and teaches word building for three-letter words. Help reading skills rise and shine with this magnetic letter set!
From the Manufacturer
Learn to build over 325 words through three different levels of play including Load a Letter, Word Play and Word Building. Using the included 29 letters your child's reading skills can take flight. All pieces attach securely to any magnetic surface. -Includes 3 modes of play. Recommended age range 3+ years old
Customer Reviews
Only one complaint
This toy is very nice, what you would expect from LeapFrog. My only complaint is that when it's in the sounding out mode- the child can put in 3 letters and it sounds it out. This is great for learning letter sounds and putting them together. However, if it is a real word, first it says the word and then sounds the letters and the says the word one more time. I'd like my child to get a chance to try and put the sounds together, before it tells him the word.
Other than that it is very fun, and my 6 year old loves playing with it even more than my 4 year old.
Word Builder and Fridge Phonics (new version)
The Word Builder (with the jet shape) has only lower case letters and the new Fridge Phonics (yellow and blue with the star-like shape) has only upper case letters. You can use these upper and lower letters on both toys. I know cos I have both toys.
I don't know if the letters from the The Word Whammer and the old Fridge Phonics (with Tad the frog on it) would work with The Word Builder and the new Fridge Phonics though. I read that they don't.
The Word Builder is useful and fun only if your child can read a little or at least knows his letter sounds. I would suggest starting with Leapfrog Letter Factory DVD, with your 2 1/2 or 3 year old, and perhaps complementing his learning with the Fridge Phonics.
Once he knows his letter sounds, it is easier to teach him to blend letters. I strongly recommend The Reading Lesson: Teach your child to read in 20 Easy Lessons (cheapest on Amazon). The Word Builder would be a useful and fun supplement to your child's reading lessons.
My 4 year old son gets frustrated only because he can't make 4 or 5 letter words but he got over it when he realised he could form whatever words he wanted on the whiteboard using the magnetic letters, instead of in the toy itself.
The Word Builder includes 2 each of the letters, "d", "e" and "m" (so your child CAN spell dad and mom) as well. And if like me, you have both the Word Builder and the Fridge Phonics, your child can spell a lot more words.
Fun for kids, but not super educational
We got this for my eldest daughter hoping to help her learn her letters and letter sounds. I must say that I'm extremely disappointed in the phonics portion of it (I am a teacher as it happens). It only gives one possible sound when often a letter makes two or more sounds. Additionally, the sounds it claims the letters make are inaccurate and difficult to discern. It consistently adds some type of vowel sound to the ends of consonants. For example, it says that the letter m says "muh" when it should say that the letter m says "mmm." So if you are looking for a toy that will teach your child phonics accurately, this is not that toy. Also, the thing chews through batteries like no one's business. My daughter does love sticking letters on it though and listening to the songs, so for entertainment value I give it a slightly better rating. And in case you were wondering, it will not say anything remotely like a cuss word (not that I tried or anything...).
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